Monopitch lodges

Monopitch luxury lodges

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The Atrium

A statement lodge with real wow factor from Omar! If you’re looking for something really special that makes the most of a view and has a luxury, contemporary edge, look no further!

The Hampton

The Prestige Hampton is a popular monopitch lodge, and has been selling well on parks. The blue and cream accents with tongue and groove panelling is pretty striking, making it a memorable monopitch opton.

The Anteres

One of the newest monopitch lodges on the market, the Anteres comes from Manor Park Homes and Lodges, who are renowned for their innovative designs.

The Havana

The Tingdene Havana takes mixes the contemporary with earthy tones and large open spaces.

The Elder

The Elder from Oakwood Park Homes has a wonderful bistro/gallery feel inside in the centre lounge, and is absolutely perfect for a waterfront location.

The Savannah

The Tingdene Savannah deliveres the monopitch in a single-unit footprint, yet has all the benefits of the centre lounge arrangement.



Need to know basics

Our easy summary of what you'll find in each home, from the number of rooms and how they can be used, to the size and layout options available.  We'll also aim to give you an indication of how the home is pitched price-wise in this section, although we'd always recommend an early conversation with manufacturers whose style you like, as they can ensure your home suits both your taste and budget.

Check Point

If your home is not already built, there may be elements of it which some may choose to tweak depending on their circumstance. These are not negative points at all, just elements you might want to look at a little more closely depending on the way you plan to use the home, in case you want to discuss them with your manufacturer and make adaptations.

Winning features

Where you see this icon, we'll summarise some of the key plus points in each model which make it stand out a little.  From features which will help make the home practical to live in to home features which add wow factor. Where homes are cutting edge or feature rich, the list of bullet points under this rosette could be plentifu and often arel!
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